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LSPE : the Large-Scale Polarization Explorer

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The STRIP instrument for LSPE

  • STRIP is the Survey TeneRIfe Polarimeter, aimed at accurate measurements of the low-frequency  (44 and 90 GHz) polarized emission, dominated by Galactic synchrotron.
  • STRIP was previously designed to fly with SWIPE on the LSPE gondola, but it has been reconverted as a ground-based instrument that will be deployed at the Izana site in Tenerife during Spring 2018
  • The correlation polarimeters are contained in a large cryostat and cooled at 20K by mechanical coolers.
  • The beam is defined by a 1.5 m aperture side-fed crossed-Dragone telescope, selected for best polarization purity.
  • Its sensitivity at 44 GHz after one year of measurements assuming a conservative 35% duty cycle is five times better than the final sensitivity of  the Planck LFI survey, thus allowing LSPE to remove synchrotron contamination with high precision.
STRIP instrument
Scheme of the STRIP instrument inside the cryostat

STRIP telescope

The STRIP instrument integrated on the mount and with the optical assembly

  • In the focal plane, an array of 44 GHz platelet feedhorns feeds high performance OMTs and LNAs derived from the QUIET experiment.
  • The measured response of the corrugated feedhorns confirms the expected performance down to -55 dB


focal plane
The STRIP Q-band focal-plane
  Instrument Performance